
Sunday, January 23, 2022

NAMM BIM 2022: Artificial Intelligence

At NAMM's Believe in Music event, Paul Sitar (A3E) hosts Daniel Rowland (LANDR), Jack Joseph Puig (Waves), and Maya Ackerman (WaveAI) in a discussion about AI and the dueling rejection and acceptance of the technology among music makers. Quite often, the desire for creative human romanticism feels conflicted with the logical structure and production aspects of music creation when in fact both are needed and AI can assist in the process especial during mundane tasks. It also empowers the open minded with the impossible who can now create lyrics and song in languages and cultures they would never be able to touch. AI best comes into play at the beginning stages of writers block and musicians can impose their own data sets to truly make it theirs. It helps with problem solving, production techniques, and can save a lot of time as the logical frameworks of AI are allowed, pathing the way for human romanticism as it shines through to new sonic worlds. 

WaveAI creates LyricStudio and Alysia AI tools, for any eager creator, that will assist you in writing music.