
Friday, June 3, 2016

Audio Professor Touts Audient ASP8024, Adds iD22 For Portability

Kansas City (June 2, 2016) - Kansas City Kansas Community College has been a proud owner of an Audient ASP8024 for over 6 years, a decision that Professor of Audio Recording & Music Technology, Dr Ian Corbett still stands by, having seen hundreds of students hone their audio engineering skills on the large format analogue mixing console. The notion to add an iD22 to his teaching arsenal this year was born out of that trust in Audient. Dr Corbett uses his new audio interface in his office to grade assignments, as well as with his laptop, which he uses extensively throughout the curriculum, at various places throughout the campus and also when travelling and representing the college, presenting at conferences and conventions.
He explains, "Tired of carting around a full rack unit interface, or suffering the hums and buzzes of the laptop's built-in audio output, the iD22 was a small solution that also sounds better than the smaller 'budget' interfaces available - particularly important when I'm giving a presentation on audio quality! It also gives me the flexibility to be able to make great sounding recordings directly into the computer, and get reliable readings from a test mic when pinking or sweep-tone analyzing a room. The fact that the iD22 can function as a playback device without external power was an unexpected plus point and convenience."
"A curriculum with extensive study and hands-on experience of the analog signal path, promotes essential signal flow and troubleshooting skills that will transfer to the widest variety of potential employment situations." - Dr Ian Corbett
 ASP8024 at Kansas City Kansas Community College with Dr Ian Corbett