
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Grammy Award Winner Jeff Ellis Turns to BAE 1073 DMP for Big Studio Sound at His Project Studio

Los Angeles, Calif., September 7, 2016In-demand engineer and mixer Jeff Ellis perfected his craft working on vintage consoles like the one at Eastwest Studios in Hollywood, where he started as an intern before working his way up to a house engineer. “The first console I learned on was a classic British console with 1073 mic pres,” Ellis says. “That’s all I heard through the first few years of my career, so the that sound will always feel like home to me.” Ellis quickly realized that there was something about the design of these vintage circuits that made it a critical tool for making records at the highest level. Since going independent to work on Frank Ocean’s channel ORANGE and collecting a Grammy Award in the process, Ellis continues to value that classic sound in his signal chain.

“Almost any good studio will have at least a rack of 8 vintage-style pres regardless of what console is being utilized in the room, it’s that important,” he says. “I’ve encountered BAE Audio pres in many of these studios, and have always used them interchangeably with vintage channels.” When it came time to outfit his own project studio, located within the Bedrock.LA studio complex, Ellis turned to the compact and versatile BAE Audio 1073 DMP to deliver the vintage tone he loves.