
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sennheiser Applauds FCC Ruling

Ruling is a Victory for Customers, Manufacturers, Owners, and Operators of Wireless Microphone Equipment

Washington, D.C. – July 13, 2017 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today ratified an Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning the use of the frequency spectrum that will impact all wireless microphone users. The Order on Reconsideration ensures that wireless audio applications both now and in the future will continue to flourish. Having considered the thorough and relentless input of wireless microphone specialist Sennheiser and many others in the audio community, the FCC ruling modifies initial guidelines that may have negatively impacted manufacturers, owners and operators of wireless microphone equipment in their original form.

Sennheiser filed a Petition of Reconsideration with the FCC in December of 2015 following the initial announcement of new regulations, timed to coincide with the upcoming incentive auction and reallocation of the 600 MHz frequency spectrum. Sennheiser’s filing elucidated practical concerns for manufacturers and users of wireless microphones in day-to-day applications as well as proposing potential solutions. The FCC studied Sennheiser’s proposals and the input of others during the intervening year and a half, and the Order on Reconsideration has made many of the audio specialist's proposals a reality. 

"We sincerely applaud the FCC staff for their work and due consideration on this Order and proposed rulemaking,” says Joe Ciaudelli, Director of U.S. Spectrum Affairs for Sennheiser. “This represents a very positive outcome for our customers and all professional wireless microphone users. Clearly the FCC listened to the needs of the professional production community and worked hard to provide a solution."